14 Apr Keeneland Race Shuttle
Sallee Horse Vans will provide daily shuttle service to Keeneland from Churchill Downs, Trackside, Turfway Park and the Thoroughbred Center. VALID HEALTH, COGGINS and EQUINE PIROPLASMOSIS CERTIFICATES MUST ACCOMPANY EACH HORSE TO RIDE ON THE SHUTTLE – NO EXCEPTIONS!
Sign-up must be done by noon the day before the race. At CHURCHILL DOWNS the shuttle for horses in races 1 thru 5 WILL LEAVE at 7:00 a.m. and for races 6 thru the last the shuttle WILL LEAVE at 9:00 a.m. FOR PICK UP TIMES AT TRACKSIDE AND CHURCHILL DOWNS call Sandy Montgomery at 502-639-9420 or Tom Bohannan at 502-376-7142. For TURFWAY AND THE THOROUGHBRED CENTER call the office at 800-967-8267. THE SHUTTLE IS TO BE USED FOR RACE DAY HORSES ONLY – NO EXCEPTIONS!