yearling sale Tag

When buying horses at the Fasig Tipton Fall Yearling Sale, October 24-26, 2011 at Fasig Tipton, Lexington, KY, look for the Sallee Horse Transportation representatives at the van counter to make your horse transportation arrangements....

As Consignors prepare for the Fasig Tipton Fall Yearling Sale (October 24-26, 2011), you can make your horse transportation arrangements for the sale haul-in by calling the Sallee Horse Transportation Lexington, KY Office at 800-967-8267 or Ocala Office at 352-622-2514....

The Keeneland Select Yearling Sale is right around the corner. If you have not already made arrangements to ship into the sale, please give us a call. If you are a consignor, below you will find useful information so you can plan your shipment: Those consignors...